Quick Inquiry

Quick Inquiry


Anypoint Platform Development: DataWeave


Module 1: Applying DataWeave fundamentals

  • Review and apply DataWeave fundamentals as learned in the Anypoint Platform Development: Fundamentals course

  • Set example input to preview DataWeave results in Anypoint Studio

  • Chain together two argument functions by using infix notation

  • Filter, order, and group elements of an object or array

  • Retype DataWeave expressions in the middle of code execution


Module 2: Organizing and reusing DataWeave code

  • Organize DataWeave code into variables and functions

  • Enclose variables and functions in do statement scopes

  • Pass functions and lambda expressions as arguments to other DataWeave functions

  • Create and use reusable DataWeave modules


Module 3: Writing defensive and robust DataWeave

  • Write more defensive DataWeave expressions that filter and route data based upon conditions

  • Write more robust functions using a match operator to test for data types

  • Handle and raise errors

  • Log from within DataWeave expressions


Module 4: Constructing arrays and objects

  • Add components to and remove elements from arrays and objects

  • Construct objects from lists of DataWeave expressions using object constructor curly braces { }

  • Troubleshoot common issues when using object constructor curly braces { }


Module 5: Iteratively mapping and joining arrays and objects

  • Combine objects and arrays into nested data structures by using map and mapObject functions

  • Extract an array of keys and/or values from an object by using the pluck function

  • Conditionally join two nested schemas together by using the join function


Module 6: Updating inside nested data structures

  • Conditionally update and mask parts of nested data structures

  • Format and update nested data structures by using recursive functions


Module 7: Reducing data from arrays

  • Conditionally test, count, and sum up elements of an array by using the DataWeave core Arrays module

  • Reduce and accumulate array elements to other output types using the reduce function

  • Calculate key performance indicators from input collections by using the reduce function